
Australian Eye and Ear Health Survey

Hi Port Augusta locals!

The Australian Eye and Ear Health Survey will be IN YOUR AREA! We are funded by the Australian Government to provide FREE COMPREHENSIVE EYE AND EAR TESTS for residents around the Port Augusta area from 2nd July to 25th July!

Anyone aged 50 years or older (40+ years if you are Indigenous) – CALL US on 0408 910 966 to book an appointment or walk into our clinic at 90A Commercial Road, Port Augusta SA 5700.

Our tests use high-end vision and hearing diagnostic equipment to enable the detection of any vision and hearing abnormalities. We will explain your results on the day and refer you to an appropriate healthcare provider if there are any issues detected. We will also provide a free pair of sunglasses on the day!

The AEEHS is a survey funded by the Australian Government to find out how many older Australians currently have vision and hearing problems, as well as the causes and impact of these problems. We have no commercial interests.



Jul 02 - 25 2024



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